Kasey Reynolds is an amazing young lady, who has been diagnosed with Coffin-Lowry Syndrome & low functioning Autism.  The most debilitating feature of Coffin-Lowry Syndrome is joint hyper mobility, which leads to lax joints, lack of stamina and muscle fatigue.  Despite this, Kasey keeps herself very active by participating in activities to increase muscle tone & stamina.  As recently as 2012, Kasey won numerous medals at the Special Olympics Regional Swimming Event.

As Kasey tires quickly with severe muscle fatigue, she relies on a wheelchair to assist with her daily activities.  The current Reynolds Family vehicle was mechanically unreliable and unable to accommodate a wheelchair.  WA Charity Direct assisted by contributing to the purchase of Kia Grand Carnival.  This has enabled the Reynolds Family to transport Kasey around and has now allowed the whole family to travel together.