Callum Linnell is a young boy diagonised with High Functioning Autism & Attention Deficit Disorder. Callum finds most daily activities a challenge, but finds comfort in the enjoyment of playing outside, though requires constant supervision as he has no sense of danger. WA Charity Direct funded the installation of lockable gates to the home carport, which has given Callum the freedom to play outside safely.
Callum’s Parents are extremely grateful with this message of thanks:
“I know our request was quite a strange one, but any parent with a child on the spectrum will tell you they live in constant fear of a traffic accident due to poor road awareness and a tendency to lose focus. We cannot express how important it was for us to have these gates installed and we certainly could not have found the money ourselves.
We can rest easy knowing that Callum is safe whilst at home. We would like to send a great big thank you and commend the fantastic work WA Charity Direct do for the community. I think the gates turned out very well and are super sturdy.” – Linnell Family, January 2016.